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Writer's pictureAlexander Barnett

8.29.2023 Devon Bank - Continued Abuse

Updated: Oct 20, 2023

Alexander Barnett <>Jun 5, 2023, 2:06 PM to, Daniel, David,,, James, Jane, Ken, Nancy,,, SPradeep,, Steve, Tim, joel, raganmatt76, Cyrus, David Steve, And attempt to both aggravate and intimidate me last week on the phone with David Sugarman, you asked me if I knew how I trust worked. Do you know if fiduciary duties are is the question I post to you. According to the Illinois trust code you as the “trustee” are required by law to provide me with documentation demonstrating that you are working on my behalf and best interest. That is your duty of care, your duty of loyalty, duty to disclose, duty to protect trust property, & the prudent investor rule. Despite repeated demands for such, I have been ignored, disrespected, and abused. The response I have received has contained nothing but lies. I demand an audit of my affairs and a comprehensive quarterly statements for the past 3/4 as is your duty and the law. Alexander On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 1:57 PM Alexander Barnett <> wrote: My Name is ALEXANDER. I have repeatedly stated that do NOT like being referred to as Alex. STOP REFERRING TO ME AS ALEX. I am the benefeficiary and “The Beneficiary” of The Alexander Gordon Barnett Trust. And also The Client. You NEED to show me the respect that implies. Moving forward, please ONLY REFER TO ME as Mr Barnett.dd My first name is reserved for friends , which we are not. $496 is the total of my MONTHLY PODS Storage Fees as you, James Benz, & The REST OF THE DEVON BANK should be fully aware of by now. As YOU, JAMES BANZ & THE DEVON BANK have been violating your fiduciary duties and conducting MY BUSINESS in a FRAUDULENT MANNER SINCE OCTOBER 21, 2022 - BY FORCING me against MY WILL, INTO debt, loss Financially, homelessness, starvation & asthmatic health risks. The fact that you did NOT work at the bank when my money was transferred there & refuse to let me speak to ANYONE Else at “The Bank” who has been there longer than my money is beyond criminal. The fact that you lied to me on recorded calls as to how my affairs would be conducted, then INTENTIONALLY continued the 36 years abuse of my previous thieives/abuser while refusing me audits of my accounts. Your FORCED me, against my will & the Terms of My Trust into your “affirming care”, FORCED ME to fill out your budget and ignored completely. Now continuing to refuse me access to my funds to handle even my most basic needs. You are NOW also claiming my money is not being grown or invested & has no brokerage firm or investment advisor, yet my money is still “invested” in all of the very same woke/egg instruments Lefton/NorthStarInvestmentManagement fucked me into and there is no one liscenced to sell them & no brokerage account licensed to hold them. Just an excel spreadsheet claiming they exist. This makes zero sense. I have also repeated DEMANDED your resume & removal from my affairs since you are clearly dishonest and not working on my or my Trusts behalf and do NOT have OuR/My best interest in mind. I now demand an immediate transfer of $50,000 To my America First account to handle by back bills, fix the damage to my affairs, personally & proessionally, that you have created and establish as well as to establish several small investment accounts. I also AGAIN demand follow the terms of my trust and transfer the remaining balance to a Banker of David Sugarman’s choosing at The Northern Trust Bank AS WRITTEN & Re-written in 1985 & 2007 as written by the Freemasonic Bloody Cuntz of Chapman/Abrams/Lefton Warm regards & prayers that you rot in prison until you get to hell for what you have done, Alexander On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 1:05 PM Steve Lewis <> wrote: Alex, Please confirm that the amount you are requesting per the most recent attached invoice is $985.96. If you are requesting a different amount please send an email letting us know what amount you are requesting and the invoice reflecting that amount. PODS - Invoices: 2/26/23 $258.99 3/01/23 $492.98 4/27/23 $985.96 Steve Lewis Trust & Wealth Management Personal Trust Administrator Devon Bank 6445 N. Western Ave., Suite 300 Chicago, IL 60645 773-423-2519 (Phone) 773-973-0400 (Fax) Dedicated to our customers and communities since 1945 From: Alexander Barnett <> Sent: Friday, June 2, 2023 3:02 PM Cc: Barbara Goldfarb <>; Christine Buck <>; Carolyn Romano-Quintana <>; David Sugarman <>; Irving Loundy <>; Jennifer Wiedemann <>; James Benz <>; John Glynn <>; Ken Sawyer <>; Paul Manelis <>; Robin Hanson <>; Sasidanand Pradeep <>; Scott Rech <>; Steve Lewis <>; joel jacobson <> Subject: Fwd: 2months OVERDUE: $985.96 - GOING TO AUCTION Fwd: Credit card decline - D365 Flow Please Mr Lewis. Can I have some more ? I hereby formerly request the ability to pay my bills. You said I need to beg and plead? Submit bills & statements? Obviously I have, repeatedly.. Let us not pretend it has been otherwise. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Alexander Barnett <> Date: Wed, May 24, 2023 at 2:42 PM Subject: 2months OVERDUE: $985.96 - GOING TO AUCTION Fwd: Credit card decline - D365 Flow To: Barbara Goldfarb <>, Bob Withers <>, Carlos Beans <>, Christine Buck <>, Colin Pereira-Webber <>, Cyrus Bowman <>, <>, Danielle Winkle <>, David Barrocas <>, David Sugarman <>, Douglas Barnett <>, Gerick Smit <>, <>, <>, James Benz <>, Jane Nicholl Sahlins <>, Ken Sawyer <>, Ken Sawyer <>, Kim Kamin <>, <>, Patricia Zohn <>, <>, <>, <>, Steve Lewis <>, Whit Tehan <>, joel jacobson <>, <>, <> First and foremost, "Steve Lewis" MUST BE IMMEDIATELY REMOVED from ALL OF THE BELOW - IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER MY ACCOUNTS. My AFFAIRS My LiFE MY FINANCIAL FUTURE As previously documented. I was FORCED lose at EVERY CROSS & TURN since 2008 & The Black Mold Affair. Then came 2020. Asked questions. Ignored. Opposite of request At this point I am STI I am long since tired of being abused. I am tired of being lied to. This started long since WE all came into contact. I have documented it extensively on my blog and have provided you with the links. I have both verbally, and in writing, on NUMEROUS occasions; detailed the emotional, physical, psychological manipulation, & FINANCIAL torture/abuse, Misconduct, as well as numerous Violations of Fiduciary Duties. Trust. Disclosure. Care. Impartiality. To PROTECT TRUST PROPERTY. Not to mention, The Illinois Trust Code, The Prudent Investor Rule or The Dodd-Frank Act. I have presented CLEAR EVIDENCE of The 700+ Emails & Texts sent to LEFTY/Chapman//NorthStar - DEMANDING that the oncoming CRASH be taken ADVANTAGE for ONCE. Tried to get him to do it in 2008. Tried to get him to let me get into QUANT Trading in 2007. The Terms of My Trust were AMENDED & REVOKED for the mere suggestion. That, and my mother was either in remission or dying of cancer at he same time. Kwaan Hau, Hematology, Northwestern will be happy to confirm. We have been in touch. 2006 LEFTY shut down 2.5years of bootstrapped Having seen that MY Original 1985 Trust Agreement was Irrevocable and Amendable. was somehow, 2007 by the SAME Trustee & Successors & Financial Institutions have been violated... also that the formation letters of Trust #2 do NOT, anywhere mention the word IRREVOCABLE. This was LEFTY & Chapman's concoction. As is this abusive conservatorship I have found myself in advertently for the last 14 years. I have also cited the repeated mention of suicide, incapacitation, incarceration as means to take over control of BOTH MY FREEDOM & MY ASSETS. Again, written when I was 14 years old. Attached I have also Demanded an Audit of Both of My Trusts that were intentionally decimated in 2022. I have demand I have repeatedly submitted bills/emails for bills that need to be paid. Never heard back blown off or denied. I submitted the "required" budget for "approval" Never Heard back. Blown off or Denied. I have been ranting and raving and still cannot get my bills paid. EVERYTHING I OWN IS ABOUT TO GO TO AUCTION. AGAIN. JUST LIKE LAST MONTH JUST LIKE EVERY MONTH THIS YEAR or the 4 plus years I have been forced to waste money on storage fees. Which was intentional. "Donating" My Family's Generational Wealth to Jewish Charities and Since July 2020 I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO GET MY STUFF OUT OF STORAGE not CONTINUING TO WASTE MONEY TO not BE ABLE TO USE THE STUFF I BOUGHT COLLECTIVELY OVER 20 YEARS Everything that Steve Lewis told me in our initial conversation has now been reversed and now I have zero authority or control over how/if my affairs are going to be handled. LEFTY promised in writing on 4 or 5 occasions between Feb-May2020 to either disolve o ALL of my calls to/from to "Steve Lewis" have been recorded on both my side and yours. First and foremost. This is not what was promised. This is NOT what I signed up for. This is merely a continuation of the abuse I have been dealing with since I was 14 years old. NEXT I need this money transferred to pay my pods, lifeStorage (Previously Fwd:from Publisher@XrUpdate.News), Tmobile these BILLS TODAY. I also NEED funds TRANSFERRED TODAY to get up to DATE on additionally My DEMAND to ZOOM with the The Trust Committee has also been repeatedly ignored. ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: svcPowerFlowDev <> Date: Thu, Apr 27, 2023 at 3:01 AM Subject: Credit card decline - D365 Flow To: <> Customer #: ACION REQUIRED TO ENSURE YOUR UPCOMING SERVICE There was an issue with your card ending in *483313******6824 when we tried to charge it for $985.96 on 04-27-2023. Use the link below to review and update your payment information right away. If updated payment information isn’t received, your upcoming service will be cancelled. Then, your rescheduled service date(s) will be based on current availability. Update my card Our payment card processor didn’t share why your card was declined. There are several reasons this can happen: Expired Card – The card on file for you may have expired.Card Issuer Declined – To protect your account from fraud, transactions will be declined if they look suspicious or are outside your regular spending pattern. If you believe this to be the case, please contact your payment card issuer to let them know this was a legitimate transaction.Insufficient Funds or Credit – Your account may have insufficient funds or credit available. If you need additional assistance, we’re here to help. You can chat with our Customer Care Team at We’re also available by phone at (855) 500-7637. PODS Enterprises, LLC 13535 Feather Sound Drive - Clearwater, FL 33762Privacy PolicyThis is a system‑generated email. Replies will not be read or forwarded for handling. This email was sent to: by PODS Enterprises, LLC© 2022 PODS Enterprises, LLC %%[ IF 1==0 THEN]%% This email was sent by: PODS Enterprises, LLC 13535 Feather Sound Drive Clearwater, Florida 33762 (855) 706-4758 -- Alexander Gordon Barnett 702.355.9811 www.XrUpdate.NewsPublisher@XrUpdate.News

Steve Lewis <>Jun 6, 2023, 6:05 PM to me, Cyrus, David Alexander Barnett, The reason I asked if you knew how trust a trust works was not intended to demean or meant to make you feel bad. The reason I asked is because there is a bit of a common misconception that the assets within a trust belong to or are owned by the beneficiary. As you know from our prior conversations I was a business advisor for a college readiness program for some of the top high school young adults in the Chicagoland area. These are some of the guys that end up earning full and partial scholarships to some of the very best colleges. When I taught the investment program and we discussed trusts this was a common misconception as well. All of this to say that the question posed to you was not meant to aggravate or intimidate you but only to gage your level of understanding so that I would be able to understand how to answer your question. One way to look at a trust is similar to a company. The beneficiary could be compared to the CEO of a company. In that light the assets of the company do not belong to the CEO just as the assets of a trust do not belong to the beneficiary. Both the company and trust are legal entities and the assets belong to that legal entity. Granted, a trust may be set up for the benefit of the beneficiary but the beneficiary does not own the assets until (if ever) the trust document says so. Just as the CEO of a company (for our illustrative purposes only) can be compared to a beneficiary, the (corporate) trustee of a trust can be compared to the board of directors of a company. Whenever a CEO (that owns more than a certain % of the stock) wants to buy or sell stock they have to fill out a form and if they want a salary increase they submit a request to the board of directors. This is just like a beneficiary of a trust that has to submit a letter of request (if stated in the trust document) to receive discretionary funds. Some trusts (Including Yours) even stipulate that the Trustee may establish an incentive program to encourage education or employment goals as a condition to receive discretionary funds. This can be likened to a CEO having performance incentives or stock options. We would like nothing more than to work with you to distribute funds to you until you identify another Trustee, however as you know our industry is highly regulated and we must abide by rules and regulations. All Beneficiaries (not just you) have to submit a letter of request, receipts/invoices, budgets and in some cases tax returns. We take these requirements seriously and assume beneficiaries do as well. The most recent budget submitted included expenses for the East Bank Club. Since you are now in Las Vegas has it been a long time since you went to East Bank? The purpose of the budget is to include actual expenses and that as well as several other entries on the budget do not appear to be actual or current expenses (for example, expenses for multiple investment accounts). Keep in mind that these things are not being written to upset or demean you in any way. These are all basic requirements for any trust. You also have online access which allows you to see everything regarding the trust. From our conversations I know you have been through a lot and we do want to help you. Also, remember something I heard on the way home yesterday: “The world is full of nice people and if you cannot find one then be one.” Have a great evening. Cyrus Bowman, David Sugarman, James Benz, Steve Lewis

Alexander Barnett <>Jun 7, 2023, 4:36 PM to James, Charles,,,,,,,, Steve, Cyrus, David Steve and James, Again, I do not appreciate your lies or continued abuse. As you know Lefty & The Comittee, who have been manipulating & abusing both Me & MY MOTHER since 1985; stole my generational wealth & intententionally & repeatedly FORCEFULLY DRAGGED me into the CRASHES of 2001, 2008, 2020, & 2022 (as documented), refused to be removed or be audited, & intentionally decimated Trust 1 & 2, and has FORCED me into homelessness & financial destitution. Despite the clear Terms of My Trust, the WRITTEN LINES of Succession both in terms of Trustees & clearly defined Financial Institutions (of which the Devin Bank was NOT one of -Nor does it meet the $100m minimum threshold which you are NOW Holding ME to despite NOT being qualified yourselves... & the repeated promises in writing to desolve it by Lefty upon his "retirement" in 2022. You personally lied to me on Day One on a recorded and now published phone call, stating you would get my engine replaced & vehicle operable, put a roof over my head, food in my stomache, my asthma medications & provide me with the needed funds to get my life back on track. You also promised and lied when. You told me you would be actively trading & repositioning my investment instruments for growth and out of the Democrat agenda based ESG "investments" that LEFTY put me in 2009 & 2016, having demonstrated that no trades or effort was made since. I also demonstrated was still from Trust #1 & my US Bank Shares were INTENTIONALLY Torched. This was in January when I had to call you. The Illinois Trust Code CLEARLY STATES your were REQUIRED to contact me BEFORE taking control of my accounts which YOU & THE DEVON BANK were not qualified to do, by not having the required $100m. Lefty & his Dionysian Bisexual Sex Cult masonic attorneys were also required to inform me Prior to retirement & transfer NOT After. It is obvious you are in cahoots. Allegedly, The Devon Bank had my money since my mothers birthday October 21, 2022. No one thought it important to tell Me, The Beneficiary that. I have also demonstrated that YOU were not on the banks website until at least December 2022, but somehow you were attached to my account before "joining" the "bank" along w James Benz who will NOT answer the phone at all. Pods just called again, stating that you have REFUSED me PAYMENT OF SIX (6) monthly BILLING Cycles. That also goes for my Lifetime Storage Fees in Las Vegas. Combined, I now owe $3,000 You have ALSO REFUSED to provide me money to eat or purchase asthma medication. Lefty & The Cabal are also fully aware of this and fully approve of this continued abuse and betrayal. On May 8 & 11 I wrote an email linking to a Public Open Letter stating that YOU have CONTINUED to FORCED me to remain homeless in the streets of LAS VEGAS despite my REPEATED DECLARATIONS of my intention & desire to relocate ME & MY belongings back to Chicago to deal with The Criminals that have and are continuing to defraud & destroy me. Of which, you have now joined in the chorus of and shall eventually be sued for... Since FEBRUARY I have been trying to get "dustributions" from The Devon "Bank" Since 2018 (as documented in email) I have been trying to get forensic audits & performance analysis of Trust 1 & 2. So, let's not continue to pretend that you are doing ANYTHING other to continue to perpetuate the cycle of abuse & trauma. Where is it you worked before showing up at The freemasonic Devon "Bank" ?? How were you "assigned" to my account when you did not work there at the time? Why wont James Benz pick up the phone? Having demonstrated have both lied to me repeatedly and are ACTIVELY working AGAINST my & MY Trusts best interest & are clearly (along with EVERYONE at The Devon Bank) violating both the TERMS of my Trust & your Fiduciary Duties; why are my demands for your removal being ignored. In regard to your "students", based on the fact that you stated that you are supportive of & encouraging your own son to cut his penis off and become Trans is beyond concerning and should have no business being around children. The entire country of Norway agrees with me. TODAY, Gender "affirming" ""care"" was banned completely. Right along with 17 states here in the continental USA. GET me back to Chicago & a membership to the east bank club. That was what was written in the budget. Funny how that's the only thing you mentioned. Not how my wealth is being secured, who the RiA is or who it was while at NorthStar or why I cant get an audit of Trust 1 or 2. Or your prior relationship with either Lefty/Cabal or The "Bank" or My Networth. or Why you are quoted in The Craines article explaing how the Bank STOLE $20m from the Women Doctors. Or how my generational wealth was "donated" to Jewish "charities" and & have been forced to an Islamic Bank & cannot get access to food, shelter or medication. I do not appreciate more lies & bullshit, ~Alexander Barnett

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