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Writer's pictureAlexander Barnett

6.20.2024 Subject: Immediate Transfer of Funds to America First Credit Union - Urgent

from: Alexander Barnett <>

to: Terry Chapman <>, Peter Gottlieb <>,,Sharon Egan <>,, Pam Pitts <>, Mickey Lefton <>, James Benz <>, Sasidanand Pradeep <>, "" <>, "" <>,


bcc: "Hoskins, Candi" <>

date: Jun 20, 2024, 2:59 PM

subject: Subject: Immediate Transfer of Funds to America First Credit Union - Urgent


Dear Committee Members and Devon Bank Representatives,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Alexander Gordon Barnett, THE beneficiary of the Alexander Gordon Barnett Trusts #1 & #2. I am writing to urgently request the immediate transfer of funds to my America First Credit Union ViSA checking account in Las Vegas as previously. My account is currently overdrawn. 

T2 Current Balance: $830,000.00   Please Transfer $50,000 Today.

Please PAY Sarah Braithwaite for the Invoice she submitted over a month ago now.

I am currently in Chicago and require these funds for essential living expenses, including food, shelter, asthma medication, physical rehabilitation, legal fees, and to reestablish my trading accounts as your Investment "strategy" is horrific if it is not nonexistent,  Multiple instruments that have been in decline for a year and half with no risk management strategy in place ie. reversals if not (god forbid Shorts &) stop losses !!! 

Due to the continued mismanagement of my trust (Net Worth) and repeated denial of access to necessary funds, I have been forced into an untenable situation. I have been couch surfing and sponging off others for a year now. I have lost my storage locker in Las Vegas containing valuable personal property and my truck, which I relied on for transportation, livelihood and slept in after losing the rental house I could/should have purchased. This constitutes gross negligence and a breach of your fiduciary duties under the Illinois Trust Code.

Violations of Fiduciary Duties:

Under the Illinois Trust Code, trustees are required to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries, including the duty to:

  1. Prudently Manage Trust Assets: You have failed to invest and manage the trust assets prudently, resulting in significant financial losses.

  2. Provide Accurate Information: You have repeatedly failed to provide accurate and timely financial information, obstructing my ability to make informed decisions.

  3. Avoid Conflicts of Interest: The involvement of your appointed attorneys and management firms in revising trust documents raises serious conflicts of interest.

Constitutional Rights Violations:

Your actions also violate my constitutional rights:

  1. Eighth Amendment: By denying me essential living resources and medical supplies, you have subjected me to cruel and unusual punishment.

  2. Fourteenth Amendment: By failing to provide due process and equal protection in the management of my trust, you have violated my right to fair treatment under the law.

Immediate Actions Required:

Given the urgency of my situation, I demand the following actions be taken without delay:

  1. Immediate Transfer of Funds: Transfer sufficient funds to my America First Credit Union checking account to cover my immediate needs for food, shelter, asthma medication, physical rehabilitation, and legal fees.

  2. Reestablishment of Trading Accounts: Facilitate the reestablishment of my trading accounts as previously promised.

  3. Full and Transparent Accounting: Provide a comprehensive accounting of all trust assets and transactions, including a detailed explanation for the loss of my storage locker and truck.

  4. Dissolution of Trust / Conversion to Hard Assets/Transfer of Assets      per Original Terms of Trust #1 & Lefton's Promissory Estopple Letters

Failure to comply with these demands will provide further evidence for legal action. You are already liable for gross negligence, and continued violations will only exacerbate your legal exposure.

Please confirm the transfer and provide a timeline for the completion of these actions.

I expect an immediate response to this urgent matter.


Alexander Gordon Barnett

Homeless, Hungry & Wheezy

Chicago, IL

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