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Writer's pictureAlexander Barnett

5.9.2023 SaintsVC more mockery & Blasphemy. New Epstein & Borowitz Updates for Vanetta Brown

Temporarily. debating Revocation and Amending...

Help? Good Deed ?? WTF are you talking about


(Click to enlarge photos)

Incpacitated... 14 years old.. WHY?

What? Another Surgery goes wrong ?? Someone ELSE has regret ??

Liberal BrainWash... and Barnett Foundation "Donations"...

What have you done to these poor children..???

Still NEED and Audit to to have my New & Current "Trustee's" Removed for Fraud, Abuse & Collusion with The OLD TRUSTEEE ie The Commitee Melampus !!!

ECONOMIC CRISIS: Ray Dalio's Warning For The Banking Collapse, US Dollar & Upcoming Recession


Trustee & Lawyers/Successors & Commitee & "Banks" you mean ??

Up to 30 by standers watching at a time....

One. One picked up the phone and said what can I do to help.

Let me send a Power of Attorney Letter over for you to sign. I got you...

HuH, I sure wish someone had suggested that a year ago...

Let alone back in 2018 or 2006/7

No Audits.

No Questions

Zign ZEE Paperz

You are Bankrupting My savings

Zign ZEE Paperz

No Money - Since January

Zign ZEE Paperz

No food.

Zign ZEE Paperz

No Asthma inhalers

Zign ZEE Paperz

Then what happened ? Still NO..+ : now ?

No JpDimonEpsteinChase Account. - Gone

No Chicago Storage container after 5 years of FORCED Payments.

No House -36 years of RENT\ and now sleeping in my broken down van.

No Car. Tony took Mom's. Alexander's $4,500 van is broke as Alexander- January Fix PROMISES

Vegas Storage Locks get CUT TODAY !!! Also over due

Phone is about to get shut off..

Generational Wealth Gone. WEF / Sexualization, Experimentation & Castration of Children.

-Contrary to MCB MD's Study & Life's work.

~Unless Some One wants to or can demonstrate otherwise

Mental Weaponization

Freddy ?? He got his Back RENT on my office paid immediately. OFFSETTING HIS COSTS

NEVER Mine... The Beneficiary... Fiduciary Duty ? HA !!!

$3,600.00 wasted on "Rent" been trying to get back to Chicago to deal with this for how long now?

or Silicon Valley for The Augmented World Expo next month for my website and networking opportunities and Salaried Job Hunting in my Very specific & Targeted field/Career of Choice

That happens to also be Klaus Schwab/ WEF APPROVED & ENDORSED.

I am going to start writing them on twitter and tell them you are also now fucking with his & Nowell Harari's Metaverse dreams. Your/his boy Zuckerberg failed despite having been given tremendous help fulling MY social Networking Dreams.

Now I am Wondering if Ken Sawyer, MY Wildly Successful VC cousin forward'd my emails to any of HIS boys back in the Day....

Probably not, has never valued anything I have ever tried to bring to the table. Laughs at me.

Anyone concerned about Article 42 this week? Devon Bank is psyched. Expanded Customer base.

More Jewish Trust Funds and Fiduciary Duties to adhere too....

Another one of my Familial Boyhood Hero's that was attached to every email for he last year and a half... "Hire an Attorney. You need a lawyer" He must have been snickering as he typed..

And LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY when I respondded.. With WHAT money. I cant get to it and they are intentionally holding my and my money hostage, cutting themselves checks, while decimating my accounts intentionally and refusing audits or questions or history of my money let alone realtime access or verifiable statements when the said it was "depleted"

Caught in an unguarded moment.....

How sad is this....? How much HELLp could he have been over all these years.

Another boyhood hero. Andrew went to Harvard. Ken went to Stanford. Like MOM

Awwwe Man

I mean... Holy Shit.. How much could I have LEARNED from him over all these years...

Dude.. come out and intern... You have "family" out here....

"Lets do this VR thing together.... Your Mother was was one of MY Heros.. let me return the favor..."

...Those words were never uttered....

This would be worth $10m-$60b IF Ken had been managing this Bernie Madoff Bullshit

He Definately would have put $10k in to Bitcoin in 2011 when I asked Milton LEFTON to do

& the $50k I sent Brian Kelly in for in 20... 14/15? its fuzzy..1 Medical Marijuana Hedge Fund

Also refused give Mom the cannabis selection I brought her for The Chemo Therapy Nausea

Would not even let MOM make the Choice for herself.

ME? I was sent away to get my hair cut off...

Fucking control freak.

I think Mom might have lasted another round had she been able to fight off the radiation sickness.

Family Foundation School for Weed too. Remember ?? Melampu$. Know$ it$ Power. Not for me.

Look up, as below... ut actually SAY, in writing that "SaintsVC" has its OWN Estate & Financial Planning program. While I am getting beyond fucked? While the other Attorney cousin "sympathizes" for ME. Sound like the "Conversations" over at JcFS where LEFTON was a member of the Board of Directors & The Finance Committee.

Abuse in Jewish Homes... Really.... That happens ?

Owns his own Business.. What did Buffet say the JUST the other day about Entrepreneurship?

Meanwhile THEY are STUDYING successful BLACK PEOPLE ?? With WHOSE money ??

Highly Doubt it was Barnett Mengele Money

Why am I crazy for having wanted to do the same?

Why was I defunded and robbed?

How come he too refused to step up and help me with this ?

Why? With all his expertise, power, influence and pull ??

Money seems to be a huge issue as well.

"Here dude, let me help out with this storage locker situation"

or.. I remember fondly of when I used to beat on you and make you wheeze on the racketball court at my fancy private club when you were a mere pre-1985 Trust child.

IT was funnier back then because you wouldn't dare talk back or stand up for yourself or realize you were being manipulated...."

"The best is when you turned blue and were gasping for air...

Can you Video it next time and put it on Tik Tok or instagram for us all to furiously masturbate to at Christ's Halo & Vc Money is the root of all evil ? or just not for YOU. Just like The American Dream" Did Bill Gates get his inheritance ?

Never a Members of Congress style stock tip in all these years either....

Not funny... sad & Fck'd up...

Must crying with glee at this point...

I couldn't get Food or ASTHMA INHALERS from The DEVON BANK or mysterious THE COMMITEE, let alone 3,600 to pay off my storage fees let alone get my ass back to Chicago or Legal FEES after yet another month of EMAILS not OPEN LETTERS (Pre- Melampus- Soothsayer - Introducer of The Worship of Dionysus)

This is all just "coincidence"...

Like the Revoking & Amending.... for MY Benefit... The Beneficiary....

No Audits. No Questions

More LEFTON & Borowitz RESEARCH & Ucan.Org "Donation" Explanations

Would REALLY LOVE Vanetta's Opinion of all of this...

Huh... WiLD.... So, I was kept out of Hollywood & Silicon Valley...

Hacker Finds HORRIFIC Website with THOUSANDS of Child Predators - Published Yesterday

Then THiS PoPs UP...

Initiative Which Will Be 'The Largest Childhood Immunization Effort Ever'

"We need the public sector to hopefully stop doing things like stripping away public health emergency powers from state public health agencies...We're working with WHO and The Gates Foundation and others to hopefully have the largest childhood immunization effort ever over the next 18 months to catch as many kids up as possible."

My truck doesnt even work. Devon Bank PROMISED to fix it in January

Eugenicist did not get to see his life's fulfilled.. Got to see THE PLAN implemented.

Even got Mickey Lefton to HELP. Got Mom's & MY GENENERATIONAL WEALTH

#DiedSuddenly was his JAM !!!

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