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Writer's pictureAlexander Barnett

5.15.2023 SHOCKING new Epstein Papers Reveal CREEPY Targeting SAVANT Kids for Medical Experiments

Updated: Apr 10

  1. Please tell me not to believe MY Lying Eyes AGAIN and try to explain these newly uncovered "Coincidences" that MAY just explain the Ucan "donations" a little better...

  2. The transcript discusses Jeffrey Epstein's alleged connections to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and his interest in recruiting "savants," or individuals with exceptional intellectual abilities. (Sounds & FEELS Familiar ??) (AM I A Savant ??? In MANY WAYS... YES - ask around)

  3. Epstein reportedly sought out savants to work on AI projects in the Virgin Islands and New Mexico.

  4. Epstein allegedly believed that AI could be used to help him achieve his goals of controlling the world's finances and potentially even achieving immortality.

  5. Epstein is said to have been obsessed with the idea of creating a superior race of people through genetic engineering.

  6. Epstein reportedly funded a number of initiatives targeting youth in the Virgin Islands, including disabled & mentally ill youth and underprivileged and poor children.

  7. Epstein allegedly wanted to genetically sequence the Islander population.

  8. Epstein reportedly recruited children and teenagers to run AI servers that powered algorithms.

  9. The transcript mentions Epstein's connections to prominent scientists and researchers in the AI field, including Marvin Minsky and Ilya Sutskever.

  10. Epstein is said to have been interested in using AI to analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns that could be used to make predictions.

  11. The transcript discusses Epstein's purported links to the intelligence community, including allegations that he was involved in intelligence operations for the US government.

  12. Epstein's connections to Ghislaine Maxwell, a British socialite and alleged accomplice in his crimes, are also discussed.

  13. The transcript mentions Epstein's close ties to powerful politicians and businessmen, including Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, and Leslie Wexner.

  14. Epstein's reported use of blackmail to control and manipulate those in his orbit is discussed.

  15. The transcript details some of the horrific allegations against Epstein, including accusations of child sex trafficking and sexual abuse of minors.

  16. Epstein's 2008 plea deal, which resulted in him serving only 13 months in jail for charges of soliciting prostitution from a minor, is discussed.

  17. The transcript discusses the various legal battles that have taken place since Epstein's arrest and subsequent death in 2019.

  18. Epstein's alleged ties to the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, are discussed.

  19. The transcript mentions some of the conspiracy theories that have arisen in the wake of Epstein's death, including claims that he was murdered to prevent him from revealing damaging information about powerful people.

  20. The transcript touches on some of the potential implications of Epstein's alleged involvement in AI and his attempts to control the world's finances.

  21. The ethical considerations surrounding AI and genetic engineering are also discussed.

  22. The transcript raises questions about how much Epstein was actually able to achieve in his purported efforts to control the world.

  23. The role of technology in society, and the potential dangers of giving too much power to those who control it, is discussed.

  24. The transcript notes that Epstein's story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of allowing wealth and power to go unchecked.

  25. The potential for AI to be used to manipulate and control people is discussed.

  26. The transcript ends with a discussion of the need for transparency and accountability in all areas of society, including technology and finance.

  • Southern Trust was a company created by Jeffrey Epstein in the Virgin Islands in 2012, which described itself as offering cutting-edge consulting services and a DNA data mining firm.

  • The company described itself as a cutting-edge consulting and DNA data mining firm, using genetic sequencing to determine the best drugs for clients, including big banks and big pharma.

  • Southern Trust was referred to as a key part of Epstein's criminal activities in lawsuits filed by the Attorney General of the Virgin Islands and the New York Times.

  • Although Epstein's testimony did not explicitly talk about children, he funded a slew of initiatives targeting youth in the Virgin Islands, specifically mentally ill youth and underprivileged and poor children, with activities similar to how he recruited underage girls in the US.

  • Music Schools & Camps were also targets seeking Exceptional Brilliance

  • Epstein allegedly aggressively wanted to genetically sequence the Islander population and recruited children and teenagers to run artificial intelligence servers that power algorithms.

  • Southern Trust was referred to as a key part of Jeffrey Epstein's criminal activities in a lawsuit filed by Denise George, the Attorney General of the Virgin Islands, and also in a lawsuit filed by The New York Times.

  • ".The tentacles of the Epstein case lead to various powerful individuals and institutions, including Larry Page of Google, Jamie Dimon of JP Morgan Chase, Leon Black, Leon Botstein, the president of Bard College, Thomas Pritzker, Leon Black. Obama's CiA Director & Attorneys, The Clinton State Department & Foundation (Claimed to have conceptualized & founded) and the Rothschild family & Bank, who were involved in targeting similar areas as Epstein's philanthropy, including "science" and "education

Now to Jeffrey Epstein where many of you know in 2007 he was busted for sex trafficking and that quietly went away he got out of prison and then it seems like he started a couple of new companies one of which actually targeted young children in the Virgin Islands specifically Whitney Webb is the investigative journalist who's been covering this story and I want to Deep dive this with her today on the show Whitney welcome back to the show hey great to be here so this is a crazy story because so w e we know about the sex trafficking in 2007 then after he gets out he turns his attention to the U.S Virgin Islands and starts a new company which I don't think many Americans have any idea about this part of the story and we're just now starting to learn more and more about this can you take us through sort of the high level first and then we'll dive into the nitty-gritty disgusting details sure so so the the company you're talking about here is called Southern trust and he had a few other companies tied up with it including a bank that were based on the Virgin Islands after he was arrested for sex trafficking in Palm Beach and so after that happened he seemed like you said to have directed his attention more to the Virgin Islands and so this company in particular Southern trust was created in 2012.

It describes itself as offering cutting-edge consulting services, (Melampus LTd) and as a DNA data mining firm that was trying to find clients specifically among big Banks and big Pharma it described itself as sort of a biomedical Google that was trying to use people's genetic sequencing to determine what drugs would work best on them and all sorts of odd things and even people in the testimony that he gave to this Economic Development Commission in the Virgin Islands were you know very awestruck I guess you could say by how you know unusual the company was was framed as being and what its objectives essentially were.

What's a particularly important is that in a lawsuit um that was filed by Denise George who is the same Attorney General of the Virgin Islands that was fired after filing the Epstein JP Morgan case she had another case targeting Epstein a few years prior that lawsuit and also a lawsuit filed by the New York Times referred to Southern trust as being a key part of Jeffrey Epstein's criminal activities but as I said earlier it was founded in 2012 so this is well after he was busted for sex trafficking the first time and it was not a part of what he w as charged with in 2019. so it seems like the Virgin Islands was really the only entity interested in going after him for this particular company which as as we've mentioned was based there so what's interesting is if you look at the testimony it doesn't explicitly talk about children but in his testimony to this commission he says what he wants to do is essentially uh engage children early on to train them in programming and to run these artificial intelligence servers that are going to power u m these algorithms and so the way he apparently did that was by funding a slew of initiatives targeting youth in the Virgin Islands specifically mentally ill youth uh and underprivileged and poor children and a lot of the um those activities are eerily similar to the same ways that he recruited minors underage girls in the United States targeting underprivileged economically underprivileged uh teenage girls and uh gifted children in in music and the Arts and uh there's been no uh interest really the U.S are interested in going after a lot of the powerful people that enabled Epstein particularly billionaires and some of these big Banks

Ah HA... Now this is starting to make sense.. ALL of IT

Crazy, it's truly disturbing I mean absolutely disturbing it sounds like something out of a like you know like a bond villain like if you were to write this as part of a movie people say no this is ridiculous you're going to have a billionaire is going to go to the Virgin Islands he's going to seek out children in order to do biomedical research implanti of savant characteristics of some autistic people and he may have been looking for um a children in teens that sort of had those um unusual abilities um but it's definitely very disturbing and something he talks about in his testimony this Virgin Island commission is the idea of how he uh aggressively wants to genetically sequence The Islander population because it's uh such an isolated community and then talks about how those Gene um that genetic information can be used to determine how to edu ons that he's had with the different banks and the funding and sort of thing but where do these tentacles lead um we know that the Virgin Islands has been struggling to subpoena uh Larry Page Google's Larry Page um as part of the Epstein lawsuit you've written extensively about JP Morgan Chase of course in Jamie Dimon putting up money making sure that they were funding so do we know specifically about this Southern trust like what other people were actively involved in it you meant the Rothschild cifically trying to Target a lot of the same areas that Bill Gates's philanthropy hits not just science but also education and a lot of these old press releases refer to Epstein as a prominent education Patron and and things of that nature and you know in some of my past work I was able to show that back in 1998 he was going to places like Russia uh looking at high schools visiting high schools and apparently elementary schools looking for kids that were talented in science and math in some of the virgin Islands in connection with their investigations into Epstein.

Larry Page has apparently so concerned about being served papers that he can't be found they're trying to go through alphabet Google's parent company because he's still on the board of alphabet to try and get access to him that way but he really does not want to have to testify in this case and that should be really telling and in the context of Southern trust uh with as I mentioned earlier this was a company based around data mi house and all of this other stuff it's certainly uh looking quite disturbing especially when you consider that Google as a company has had intelligence connections from its Inception and throughout its existence as as a company and you even have people like Julian Assange pointing out that Google is not what it seems and is essentially operating as its own intelligence agency and as a front for Hillary Clinton state department at the time that he he wrote that um was it 500 million that they too people in the U. S Virgin Islands and all of this stuff in the Google data center I mean there's a lot of unanswered questions here um but I mean considering what's coming out it definitely seems increasingly disturbing and another thing that I found really tell oh sorry but you know please please I don't want to another thing that you found telling yeah well I was just going to say that in in the testimony uh there's a particular reference Epstein makes to Africa and he says I do a lot of work lso the chief scientist at Hanson robotics which has produced these human-like robots the best well-known probably being Sophia uh the robot that was for example granted citizenship by Mohammed bin Salman at a time when one of his close advisors was Jeffrey Epstein.

Again very very odd activity there so as far as what's going what was going on in Ethiopia at the time um that Epstein was investing in this AI lab and uh back in gertzel gertzel was teaming up with this uh blockchain company calle e Sophia at Hanson Robotics and stuff so what exactly is going on here and what are these transhumanists uh up to and why are they so overtly interested in children and what was Jeffrey Epstein who was interested in children in numerous disturbing ways interested in doing um you know I think this is something that needs to be scrutinized because it seems like Epstein was a child predator in multiple senses do you think that we'll get answers from this lawsuit What specifically happening in the i dren who've come forward and part of this investigation are they kind of quiet well no I don't think any any of them have really come forward but if they're you know it would be hard to imagine a way for them to do so as one example as part of the sex trafficking operation Epstein and Jean Luc Brunelll were alleged to have paid off poor parents in France so uh in order for Epstein to sexually abuse their young children on his birthday um and even despite that being a public story and being in co k at initiatives like ID 2020 for example which is very much tied up with Bill Gates uh they piloted a lot of their stuff overtly with a um a charity that's been accused of uh child abuse and child sexual assault uh was used to uh pilot a digital ID program for stateless people in Southeast Asia and it was framed as voluntary but if these stateless people wanted to access uh food or medical care through this charity they had to participate in this digital ID program and surrender their biometric eir consent because if this is required at all Ethiopian school children and their parents have the choose between their children getting an education or being part of this program and having their data given to these uh obviously predatory people.

So again I find this incredibly disturbing I think more people shouldn't uh know about it because we're seeing this whole system uh being tested on the vulnerable populations but at the end of the day the intention is to have all children and all p today a lot of these same Avenues of scientific uh scientific um I don't even really know what to call it essentially creating this this smart grid um you have an entity that I've written about previously called Welcome leap which was um the welcome trust trying to create a DARPA equivalent and then bringing the head of DARPA during the Obama Administration Regina Dugan who used to run Google's DARPA equivalent to run that um that particular entity has a program that's trying to map baby brains nd we can assume that Epstein probably was too since he funded this guy so heavily you know he created Singularity net and he works for Singularity University and all of this stuff um and I should note that the guy that created welcome leap Jeremy Ferrar is now the chief scientist of the World Health Organization uh which has an ex a huge role in deciding what medical interventions should be performed on on children or offered to children around the world you know this is really stuff that we sh n that's essentially what they're trying to regulate uh to replicate and they're they're using uh children to do so I mean it's highly disturbing um yeah you know I'm afraid unless we focus on it I mean no one really else is covering this you know so for us to be able to shed light on this get this message out there about this hopefully other journalists other you know maybe large media companies will actually do stories on this and and try to look into this more you know more deeply and then ho anies including the ones based on the Virgin Islands have been caught lying so there was a bank that was connected to Southern trust and that bank his lawyer's claim was inactive but somehow a bunch of money was sent from Epstein's estate to that supposedly inactive Bank after he died millions of dollars so there's we yeah so there's weird and that was in the New York Times so there's weird stuff going on with all of these companies um and frankly you would think that would be easy to track who ve been you know tied to the Kennedy assassination and stuff like that I mean these are powerful people that know a lot of people probably don't want to mess with but if they're targeting uh you know children in developed countries while at the same time claiming like they care about the global South and the developing world and creating this disturbing transhumanist neocolonialist Paradigm and I mean essentially Epstein was recruiting kids to work in a coding Sweatshop uh from schools and stuff and education uh you know these are all things that are still going on uh even after Epstein's gone you know this is just a microcosm into a larger group of people who are masquerading as philanthropists but really they're building a digital prison and they're piloting it out right now on vulnerable kids mainly black kids in in Africa in the Caribbean well you blow my mind once again this is astonishing stuff hopefully we can get the message out about this and more people can start to shed light le looking for these children like can somebody dive into these documents and track and find out where these families are and who was what sort of medical experiments were done on these people and what is actually still happening in the Bill of Melinda Gates Foundation what are the gates is doing with all of this I love what Pulsar Pulsar echo in our chat says sounds far worse than the story we already knew yeah exactly this is way worse than what we already knew about his trafficking go ahead u Epstein being killed in prison and Elaine Maxwell being uh silenced in in prison or whatever in her country club um it's convenient now for her to be able to say I met him one time and he made my skin crawl yet your husband went there 46 times and this is the it really really really it's convenient it's certainly convenient and actually Whitney Webb in my last interview with her she actually a few months ago Whitney website on our show there's more about Melinda Gates in this that we haven't hea ive every day at 4 P.M eastern time trying to share the stories that the mainstream media will not cover you should also come over and join our community of redacted rebels over at redacted. inc that's our private locals Community where we can share exclusive content that we simply cannot share here on YouTube come over and join the Rebellion together right now by going to we'll see you next time"

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